Can you Apply For a New Job on Workers’ Compensation?


Workers’ compensation can sometimes be complicated. Besides filing a workers’ compensation claim, you might think of quitting your current job and look for a reliable employer. 

However, the question is can you apply for jobs after applying for a worker compensation claim?

The answer is yes. You can apply for another job once you have filed a worker compensation claim. However, doing this may lower your benefits and miss out on the opportunity of settlement with the insurance company. Consulting the Walthew Law Firm to get expert advice on your case will help you tackle all the problems and safely apply for your next job. 

Let’s take a look at how job change can affect your workers’ compensation below. 

Job Change can affect your medical benefits.

One of the most important things, when you are thinking of a job change is that you should keep your medical benefits intact no matter what. You should be walking out of a rehabilitation center only halfway through your regime just because you changed your employer. 

Although specific employers have said that your medical benefits won’t be taken away even if you resign from your previous job, this is because it’s not the employer who’s paying for it. There may be a higher possibility that your medical benefits can be stripped under certain circumstances.

A job change can affect your Lost wages.

When you file a worker compensation claim, it mainly covers two significant domains -Medical benefits and lost wage. The lost wage is only beneficial when that doctor prescribes you to work below your average limit, such as limited working hours, skipping work for medical reasons, doing less work, etc. This results in you getting 80% less salary than your previous salary, after which you are eligible to get a lost wage. However, if you end up at a job that offers you more salary than the previous job, you are not liable for a lost wage.

Make sure that no matter what your situation is, you should keep your attorney and the employer updated with your situation, or else it can become a problem for you in the future. 

Cases like these are pretty common, and one of the law firms like Walthew law firms knows very well how to handle these cases and win them. The experts provide you with all the clear facts that only make your case stand firm. In addition, you get legal advice at every step that will benefit you the most.

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